Wednesday, March 31, 2010

It's De-e-e-licious!!

Delicious provides a great way for us to share internet sites that we feel are useful and reliable with other branches and with the public. These are sites that we would bookmark for ourselves. It is wonderful that Jerry Fawcett and the 3rd Floor staff found this way of rescuing our Best Web Sites! It may not be perfect but it works!!

I am still getting used to the art/science of adding tags. Is more better? Is there an optimum number? I think when we first added our Travel and Geography sites, we didn't add enough tags. I'm still not totally comfortable with finding things on Delicious, but I am getting better. Initially, I was trying to keyword search in the tags search box. So the site can be a little confusing at first.

Monday, March 22, 2010

CPL 2.0

I hope to become more familiar with the new technologies. I have a Facebook account, post on Twitter for Humanities, and blog on the Travel Talk blog for CPL. But for all that, I am not really comfortable with online communication. I am not very bold about experimenting and do not seem to find the time for exploring on-line.

The first exercise of checking out other blogs led me to other travel blogs of different types, something I've been meaning to check out. It's been on my 'get around to it' list for a while.

Something I would like to learn more about, but which I'm not sure falls within this training, is the difference between writing for on-line communication and other types of writing.
